Labanotation Exams
DNB Exams offer a flexible and accessible way for students to demonstrate their understanding of Labanotation.
The exams are open book, allowing students to take their time and refer to course materials as needed. They are typically administered upon completion of the Elementary, Intermediate, or Advanced Labanotation courses.
The Elementary and Intermediate Labanotation courses can be pursued through the DNB courses or at other educational institutions such as universities or colleges. Nevertheless, the Advanced Labanotation course must be completed through the DNB or DNB-sponsored institutions.
It is important to note that to earn certification at any level – Elementary, Intermediate, or Advanced – a minimum exam grade of 85% is required. However, students who do not pass the exam on their first attempt have the opportunity to take a back-up exam to earn their certificate.
To qualify for Advanced Certification, students must fulfill three requirements:
- Advanced Theory Exam: Achieve a minimum score of 85%. It is important to note that two qualified notators, one of whom is from the DNB, evaluate all advanced examinations.
- Independent Project: Notate a dance, a section of a dance, dance technique, or other movement such as gymnastics. The notation should span approximately 8-10 pages, with flexibility depending on the complexity and layout of the notation. Students must be prepared to demonstrate the movement, have it demonstrated, or provide video for verification. Before commencing work on the notation, students must submit an outline or brief description of the movement to the instructor for approval to ensure suitability.
- Reading Requirement: Demonstrate proficiency in reading advanced materials and scoring for groups. This requirement can be fulfilled by taking a DNB-Sponsored Directing from Score course or by staging a score under the supervision of a qualified stager. Alternatively, the instructor of the advanced theory course may submit a statement to the DNB confirming the student’s fulfillment of the reading requirement.