Dance Notation Records

The Dance Notation Records, published from 1943 to 1960, contained discussions about Labanotation theory and applications, and news from the Laban community.


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Dance Notation Record, Index of Titles and Information, Volumes I - VI

Volume 11 Nos. 3-4

Fall and Winter 1960


Editorial (Hail and Fare-Well!), by Katrine A. Hooper; "If Ignorance is Bliss," by Harold C. Sproul; "Thin Ice...An Interview with Maribel Vinson Owen," by Katrine A. Hooper; "The Dancer Eyes the Ice," by Ann Hutchinson; "Skating," notated by Ann Hutchinson; "Ethnic Dance and Labanotation," by John Mann; "Panorama of Dance Ethnology" [condensed], by Gertrude Kurath (Tula); "The President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson Guest; "Two Notators in King Arthur's Court," by Alan Miles; "Philadelphia Branch Page," by Nadia Chilkovsky; "Dance Films: Past - Present - Future!"; "Don Quixote" (Girls's Variation from "Pas de Deux"), notated by Margaret Abbie; "Modern Dance Technique" (Taught by Norman Walker); News and Notes; "Junior Dansnotator," edited by Harriett Kane; "Excerpts from 'Menuetto'," choreography by Ann Hutchinson; "Christmas Party - December 11th" (Games), by Ann Hutchinson; "Gym Notations," by Susanna Organic; Book Review ("The Fun of Figure Skating"), by Maribel Vinson); Letters to the Editor.

Volume 11 No. 2

Summer 1960


Editorial, "Interchange"; "The Notation of Details in National Dances," by Albrecht Knust; "A Comparison of Certain Notational Dance Steps," by Albrecht Knust; "A Letter from Poland," by Diana Baddly; "Philadelphia Branch Page, by Nadia Chilkovsky; "The Presidents Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Notation Notes," by Lucy Venable; "Formation of a Laban Group," by Lynn Larado; "Introducing Tibetan Dance," by Tai Ai-lien; "Tibetan Dance," notated by Tai Ai-lien; "A Trip To Paris" (A Country Dance of England, by John Playford), notated by Mireille Backer; News and Notes at Home; News and Notes From Overseas; "Dansnotators Win First Prize," "Letter to the Record," by Florence Bartova; "A Distinguished Guest of the Junior Forum," by Julie Opricio; "Hand Jive," notated by Nadia Chilkovsky; A Step to Explore-A Skip," by Ann Hutchinson; "Hop Scotch," by Rose Lorenz; "Notation."

Volume 11 No. 1

Spring 1960


"Twentieth Anniversary", by Katrine Amory Hooper; Re-Construction of the Basse Dance," by Irmgard Bartenieff; "Basse Dance, 'Filles a Marier'," notation by I Bartenieff; "baroque Dance," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "The President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "My Introduction to Dance," by Harriet Kane; "A Step to Explore (A Jump)," by Ann Hutchinson; "Marching Marionettes," by Rose Lorenz; "Junior Dansnotation Forum," by Harriet Kane; "Thank You, Nickie!," Report of the General Meeting," "Book Reviews."

Volume 11 No. 0

1959 or 1960


"All Success to Your Labanotation" The Laban Six Scale

Volume 10 No. 4

Winter 1959


Notation for Dance Ethnology," by Gertrude Kurath (Tula); "Four Greek Syrtos," notated by Alice Lattimore; "Agnus Dei," choreography and notation by Dorthy Creed; Notes on Contributors; "Nu Er Glatt I Hverjum Hol (Islandic Dance), notated by Minerva Jonsdottir; "Presidents Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Junior Dansnotator," by Harriet Dollin; "A Step to Explore: A Step-Leap in Ballet Style -- Grand Jete En Avant," by Ann Hutchinson; "Valse Brilliant: A Waltz with Leaps," by Rose Lorenz; Junior Dansnotator News; "Tracing Box," by Katrine Amory Hooper; News.

Volume 10 No. 3

Fall 1959


Editorial, by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Editor's Questionnaire," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Introducing Notation to Youngsters," by Toni Intravaia; "Duet in Folk Style," choreography and notation by Toni Intravaia; Junior Dansnotator, "Contry Capers," choreography and notation by Sally Gibbard; A Step to Explore. "A Run or Leaf"; "Gavotte," by Rose Lorenz; Junior Dansnotator News; "National Labanotation Conference Report,"by Maria Nicholson, News.

Volume 10 No. 2

Summer 1959


Editorial; "Doris Humphrey, Explorer," by Margaret Lloyd; "Notating Doris Humphrey's Work," by Lucy Venable, "With My Red Fires," (choreography by Doris Humphrey) notated by Rena Gluck, Els Grelinger, Muriel Topaz, and Lucy Venable; National Notation Conference; Junior Dansnotators; "Country Capers," (choreography by Rose Lorenz); "Notation Crossword Puzzle," by Jeri Packman; "President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; News.

Volume 10 No. 1

Spring 1958


Editorial, by Katrine Amory Hooper; "In Memoriam: Doris Humphrey," by Marian Van Tuyl; "Further Thoughts on Albrecht Knust," by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Laban Six Scale," by Katrine Amory Hooper and Irmgard Bartenieff; "Jan Even Forms," (choreography by Jan Even) notated by Katrine Amory Hooper; "Opposition Waltz," (choreography by Sigurd Leeder) notated by Ann Hutchinson; "Junior Dansnotator"; "Country Capers," choreography and notation by Rose Lorenz; "Junior Dansnotator News," by Harriet Kane; "Cross-Step," by Jeri Pacman; "President's Page," by Ann Hutchinson; "Teacher's Question Box," "Shop Talk.

Volume 9 Nos. 3-4

Fall and Winter 1958


Editorial; "As I Know Laban, " by Adda Heynssen; Milestones in Laban's Life; Foreign Press Comment; "The Roots of Laban Notation," by Albrecht Knust; Laban Movement Keys; Junior Dansnotator Cover Girl; Junior Dansnotator News; Cross-Step Puzzle; "Tots and Teens," by Jeri Packman; Young Dancer's Career Book; Primer for Dance, Book I & II; Music for Ballet Dancing; Waltz Combination, by Rose Lorenz; Laban Effort Scales.


DNB News and Library News


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