Advanced Labanotation
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Motif Notation


Requirements for Advanced Certification

Note that Advanced Theory is not taught by correspondence; the Dance Notation Bureau requires that it be studied in a classroom situation. It is highly recommended that a student do the advanced work twice, as this affords the possibility of working with the material in a practical way, and then re-examining it theoretically. A great body of theoretical material is presented in a concentrated period of time. Three requirements must be met in order to earn the Advanced certificate.

1. Advanced Exam: 85% correct. Note: all advanced examinations are graded by two qualified notators, one of them from the Dance Notation Bureau.

2. Independent project: Notation of a dance, section of a dance, dance technique, or other movement such as gymnastics. There should be approximately 8 to 10 pages of notation. The number of pages is flexible depending on the complexity of the notation, the amount of notation on each page, etc. The student must be prepared to demonstrate the movement, have it demonstrated, or to provide the notator who grades the exam with a film or videotape in order to verify the movement. Once the student has selected a project, an outline or brief description of the movement should be submitted to the teacher for approval before work is begun on the notation. This requirement is made to avoid needless time being devoted to the notation of unsuitable material. The independent project may be graded by the teacher of the advanced course and then submitted to the Dance Notation Bureau, or it may be graded at the Dance Notation Bureau.

3. Reading requirement: The student must demonstrate an ability to read advanced material and scoring for groups. The most satisfactory way for a student to fulfill this requirement is by taking a DNB sponsored course in Directing from Score. Another possibility is for the student to do a staging from score under the supervision of a qualified stager. The teacher of the advanced theory course may simply submit to the Dance Notation Bureau a statement that the student has fulfilled the reading requirement.

4. Fees for Advanced Labanotation Exam: $200 for exam grading ($100 for each grader); $250 for reading project; $200 grading of written project.